Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Whoa, I Grew Up Fast!

Monday, August 08, 2005

I am Three Weeks Old Now

Wow. I have grown huge. I am already 11lbs, and I get loads of milk from my mommy.

Recently, my dad has started feeding me with a bottle. He is okay with it, but I have gagged a couple of times on the damn thing when he shoves it in too far.

So I have more pictures of me...check them out below.

This one is of me at the hospital.

This is me in my swinger thing that my mom got for me.

How did I get so cute?

And finally one my dad took of me that he is very proud of. He says it looks like Anne Geddes. What a dork.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I am Here!

Okay, so things were getting comfortable in my mom, so I wanted to stay a bit longer, but they used this damn pitcoin stuff to get me out.

Here are the pictures of me and the various family members that were with me for the past few days. As you can see, I am damn cute!!

This was Aunty Autumn's way of letting the neighborhood know that we had an extra little man in the house. Very cute!

Neighborhood sign

My new family! I obviously got my dad's looks...

Jack, Steph, Naomi, and Simon

A great shot of my big sister and our dad!

Big sister and dad

This is me and my big sister. She was sooo excited to meet me and when she did she was really quiet, almost like she was so happy she was going to cry! It was pretty cute.

Big Sister

Why the hell would they dunk me in the water and rub me with soap?

Bath time

...this is much better...


My cousins: Austin, Madison, sister Naomi, and moi.

Grand kids

Me just chilling with Nana!

Nana and Jack

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Where Are You?

Okay, so it has been a good two weeks since my last post young man, and you are still not out yet. What is going on?

Your mom and I have a bet now. It is based on weight and time. I think you are going to be early, and your mom thinks you are going to be late. I think you are going to be 7lbs, 14oz or lighter, and your mom thinks you are going to be 7lbs, 15oz or heavier. Basically, I think you r mom thinks, at this point, that you are going to be late and big!!

So we had a good 4th of July. We went to Tim and Misty's house. Betty Jo arrived a few days ago for three weeks with Eric and Jo, and Nana and Papa are going to arrive tomorrow for Tim and Misty's wedding, and to be there when you pop out.

Your Grandma and Grandpa from England are going to be hopefully coming over soon also, and then in February we are going to be heading over the pond to see your aunties and uncles, and your Granddad and Grandma in Portugal.

Your mom is doing fine at the moment, although the novelty of being pregnant is starting to wear pretty thin right now. It has been really hot here this past week, and I think you are causing your mom some serious discomfort!

Just hurry up and get here will you!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Getting closer...


Your mommy had a doctors appointment today and she was dilated to 1cm. She was 75% effaced and you are at zero station. Basically that means you are on your way out!!

We are very excited indeed and cannot wait to see you in a few days. Your mom is anxious to meet you and I have been telling her that she should not get overly excited because you might be another week or two yet. I don't think that is going to help though (and secretly, I am excited too, but don't tell her!!). You just need to come on out!

We went on a walk today with your Aunty Joann and your cousin, Austin. That was fun, but your mom's ankles swelled up pretty good ("cankles") and so she was hurting a bit! Austin is getting ready to walk. He is pulling himself up on things now, so he is raring to go and should be walking soon.

We told your grandparents, too. Papa and Nana were very excited! Grandma and Grandpa were also very excited and are sending over yet MORE clothes. Your mom is having a baby shower tomorrow night from her work, and finishes for good in a few days. I am going to tell Grandpa Date and Alyxx today!

Right, now hurry up and come out so we can meet you!



Friday, June 10, 2005

Hurry Up young man...

Come on....get out of your mom's tummy and come on over to us !!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What is this blog about?

So this blog is all about a kid.

Well, not just any kid. It is our kid. You see we are going to have a son on, or around, July 13th, 2005, and his name is going to be Jack.

This will be his story.

Jack has so many family members all across the world that this seems like the easiest way to do it. Plus, when he is older he can look back on this as a sort of diary !

36 days to go...